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  • 커뮤니티 뉴스 보기에 대한 테이블
    Magformers Are STEM Accredited
    • Date : 2018.07.10
    • View : 15263

    Magformers are proud to announce we are now STEM Approved!™ is the longest continually operating, privately-held STEM organization in America, and has served over 4,500 schools, districts, and organizations in over 25 countries. 34 Magformers items have been listed. noted “This achievement exhibits a true excellence Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education. Magformers® encourages an array of technological, mathematical, and engineering concepts, which proves that your organization is committed to delivering the latest in pedagogics. This accomplishment will serve as an inspiration to others who aspire to be the best and reaffirms your ability to captivate those who value STEM in their communities.

    Magformers®' inherent role in the educational ecosystem (both direct & indirect) has placed it in the unique, but a challenging position of leading others by example, while striving for continuous improvement of its products in the ever-changing, highly competitive 21st-century global economy. It is a well deserved and hard-won achievement of which you should be proud.

    For more information visit, or read Andrew B. Raup's recent Forbes Article Insights into Early STEM Learning.  

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