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  • 커뮤니티 뉴스 보기에 대한 테이블
    “Magformers Partners’ Day” was successfully held on January 30th with global partners from 43 countries.
    • Date : 2018.03.22
    • View : 10458

    MAGFORMERS Inc. hosted “MAGFORMERS partners’ day” successfully on January 30th at Sheraton-Carlton Hotel Nuremberg, Germany.


    About 80 partners in 43 different countries, including the U.S., UK, Canada, Germany, Beljium and Denmark attended to review business performance in 2017 and discuss the way forward for development.


    MAGFORMERS Inc. introduced new 22 Magformers products for 2018 and New 2018 Clicformers and discussed its global marketing strategies. They also had a time to share global vision and future business goal with partners.


    MAGFORMERS participates in the annual Nuremberg International Toy Fair held at NürnbergMesse in Nuremberg, Germany on January 31- February 4, 2018. Nuremberg International Toy Fair is the world’s biggest toy fair which attracts more than 2,850 exhibitors from over 60 countries including 815 exclusive exhibitors. The 2018 Nuremberg Toy Fair is expected to see about 73,000 buyers and toy traders from over 120 nations.

    사진01_독일 뉘른베르크 쉐라톤 호텔에서 개최된 2018 맥포머스 파트너스데이 행사에서 짐월드 박기영 대표와 글로벌 파트너들이 함께 포즈를 취한 모습.jpg


    사진02_독일 뉘른베르크 토이페어 행사장 내 맥포머스 부스 전경.jpg


    사진03_독일 뉘른베르크 토이페어 행사장 내 클릭포머스 부스 전경.jpg


    사진04_독일 뉘른베르크 토이페어 행사장 내 맥포머스 및 클릭포머스 부스 전경.jpg




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