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    “MAGFORMERS partners day” was successfully held  on January 26th at Sheraton-Carlton Hotel Nuremberg, Germany
    • Date : 2016.02.12
    • View : 9698

    “MAGFORMERS partners day” was successfully held  on January 26th at Sheraton-Carlton Hotel Nuremberg, Germany

    “MAGFORMERS partners day” was successfully held on January 26th at Sheraton-Carlton Hotel Nuremberg,Germany.
    About 43 partners from 30 countries joined, and participated various event programs including the review of
    2015 MAGFORMERS and 2016 brand marketing plan.

    The most significant sessions were 2016 new product introduction and development of future products,and discussion of counteract against counterfeits in the toy market today. Also we had valuable speeches about sales and marketing activities were shared from our partners from 5 countries. Partners enjoyed dining and MAGFORMERS performance, and gathered at the vision ceremony. The most outstanding partners from 5 countries received 2015 MAGFORMERS awards, and the event ended with taking photo with all partners gathered together.


    During the 2015 Magformers awards session,  our 5 partners received awards. Our Netherland and Belgium partners got ‘2015 Rookie of the Year’ award , Israel and Denmark partners got ‘2015 Outstanding Growth’ award. And our Russian partners got the ‘2015 Most Outstanding Performance’ award  that highly appreciates Magformers Russia’s marketing and sales activities during in the year of 2015. Mr. Park said that only 5 partners received the awards this year but he really appreciate all other partners and their efforts. And he added his word that he is really looking forward to the other countries and their remarkable growth for next year. 

    For joined partners, Magformers HQ team gave a Magformers gift box set with Magformers marketing materials at the end of the event. According to Mr. Park, the global CEO of Magformers Inc., “I really thank you, our partners,
    and your efforts in each one of your countries. You make Magformers become popular and make it closer to the no.1 global magnetic toy brand.” And also he closed this event with the word that “I want to meet every partner from all over the world in the next upcoming meeting in Nuremberg… but I definitely see everyone at here today again at the fair hall tomorrow.”

    Magformers also has participated London Toy Fair from January 24th to 26th, and it will participate New York Toy Fair from February 13th to 16th.

    For more information, Magformers official website ( or call +8225960949(Korea)

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