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  • 커뮤니티 뉴스 보기에 대한 테이블
    MAGFORMERS, Tile Blox, Clicformers, dolce featured on Newsweek today as THE BEST in STEM 2021
    • Date : 2020.11.12
    • View : 10463

    Meet the toymakers and brands who are lending a helping hand to science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education.

    Asked to imagine an inventor, most people probably picture alone genius toiling in solitude: Einstein working out physics formulae or Edison in his pat­ent office or Steve Jobs in his garage. But some of the most creative and dedi­cated inventors are surrounded by other—often much younger, smaller—peo­ple. They're educators—a category that includes parents. They're working to raise the next generation of scientists and engineers by providing new ways of learning.

    Behind these parents and teachers is an army of tinkerers, toy­makers and entrepreneurs who continue to innovate, providing fun ways for students of all ages to internalize the science, technology, engineering and math skills they will need. And with many of our children being schooled from home these days, it's more important than ever for families to know which resources they can rely on. We're proud that Newsweek partnered with to highlight the toymakers and brands that help strengthen STEM education. We wish a happy and engaging time to all the innovators out there, large and small.


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